How user earn AFT

There are many ways to earn AFT tokens

¡ Reward from winning NFT auction:

With an NFT auction, 85% of the pool total auction will be paid for 10% of the selected NFT auctions. For example, there are 100 participants, with each pay $5/NFT, total pool will be $ 500. 85% of 500$ (425$) will be divided equally among 10 winner (10% of total participants) with NFT winners ($ 42.5$ / person). This reward will be paid in tokens of equivalent value.

¡ Earn token from joining in app fitness games:

After purchasing NFT to participate in the app, users will receive tokens after completing each exercise. For example, a user uses $100 to buy NFTs to participate in exercises, they are possible to get $180 in Icoin (on the app) after completing the complete list of exercises in 3 months, then convert to $180 with AFT tokens (at the exchange rate at the time of conversion) and traded on DEX. The fee per withdrawal is 3%. Each NFT will have an expiry date of 3 months from the time of earning the first token. After 3 months users will have to buy new NFTs and burn old NFTs

¡ Earn from staking NFT:

For users who do not have time to participate in the exercise, they can stake NFT to receive a reward (APY rate may range from 40-45% for 3 months). For example, a user who invests $100 can possibly get back $140 in AFT in 3 months. User can withdraw reward once every 7 days, fee for each withdrawal is 3%. Each NFT will have an expiry date of 3 months from the time of earning the first token. After 3 months users will have to buy new NFTs and burn old NFTs

¡ Earn from staking token:

User can stake AFT token with around 20% APY

¡ Project share profit with winning NFT owners during NFT sales:

For example , for each NFT successfully sold after auction & if NFT is sold for $ 100, then the user mints that NFT will be shared from that sale $20. This stimulates users continuously and creates beautiful and attractive NFTs

¡ Earn commission when refer friends:

We have many programs that help both the referrer and the referred person receive tokens, the more you refer, the more tokens you will receive. For details, see the User referal section

¡ Content creation and Affiliate marketing:

We focus on marketing our products through video sharing platforms like tiktok, youtube and facebook. Programs for content creators and affiliate marketers will be held weekly and monthly to stimulate and grow the customer network. For details, please email to: xxx and follow on official social channels. Reward will be paid in AFT tokens

Last updated